If you’re like me and really tired of viewing your own shared photos, use Flickr to create great Apple TV screen savers based on your interests.

Here are the steps for creating a new screensaver featuring high-resolution photos from Flicker:

  1. On the main Apple TV menu, click the settings icon.
  2. Click Screen Saver.
  3. Click Photos.
  4. Click Flickr.
  5. Click Search.
  6. Type in your search criteria.  Example:  Italy
  7. Click Search for Photos of [search criteria entered].
  8. A grid of photos from Flickr will appear.  Click Use as Screensaver in the upper right corner of the screen.
  9. The Screen Saver menu will be displayed and the status icon will whirl.  When the screen saver activates after the set delay time, a random collection of public high-resolution photos from Flickr will be displayed.