The Little Christmas Tree

This year things are different …
and so is my Christmas tree — it’s little. And its sparsely decorated. It’s the end of 2020 (aka the year of misery) and I just didn’t feel like doing anything decorative that required too much effort. Things are different for everyone and here are some of the things that are specifically different for me:
- I’m single. After 16 years in a relationship, I split with my partner of 16 years in 2019. Yes, it’s been well over a year, but I’m still grieving the loss — see the next item.
- My ex-partner of 16 years died suddenly in July. There was no reconciliation or coming to terms after the breakup (see item #1). He just dropped dead. Now I’m grieving his death, too. And it’s been almost six months now.
- I moved — temporarily living in a small cottage in a rural area until COVID is over.
- I’m lonely. See item #3 for the reason … and COVID, of course.
- My mother, sister and stepdad all got COVID-19 in November. My 84-year-old mother was hospitilized for over two weeks, but survived. She’s still frail and weak — and she also fell and broke her arm. My stepdad and sister only had cold-like symptoms and recovered without hospitilization. Yeah, happy Thanksgiving.
Things I’m Thankful For
- I have my health. And I haven’t contracted COVID, despite having to take my mother to the emergency room twice in one weekend.
- I’m still employed and have income.
- I’m living comfortably.
- I have two beautiful Golden Retrievers to keep me company. Luckily, they wound up with me after the breakup.
- I have friends in remote places to zoom call and they are all very supportive. I try not to wear them out with my whining.
- Amazon Prime, C.O. Bigelow, Bath & Body Works, The Body Shop, The US Postal Service, and Fed Ex.
- Viasat for remote internet connectivity that works. Although, I’m anxiously awaiting availability of Starlink.
- My little Christmas tree.
By the way, my little Christmas tree is a Norfolk pine from Lowe’s (it was $19.99), the string of 100 warm LED lights is from Dollar General ($7), and the laser cut wood ornaments are from Walmart ($4). The ceramic cache pot is Italian — found it years ago on clearance in Denver, Colorado. The blue ceramic garden seat was found at Sam’s Club years ago.