Paul’s Spooky 31 Days Of Halloween Movies List 2016
Here's my spooky Halloween movies list for 2016 -- one for each night of October. Pirates Of The Caribbean, Curse Of The Black Pearl -- A great ghost story inspired by Disney's classic theme park ride. PBS Masterpiece Classic: Great Expectations, Episodes 1 through 3...
Pumpkin Spice Latte – Calorie Count
Ahhhh, autumn. The time of year when the weather turns cool and crisp (unless you're in the deep south) and we all get mad for pumpkin spice lattes. This is just a friendly reminder to everyone about the calories contained in that special treat. In many cases, one...
Limoncello and Finocchietto From Sorrento, Italy
In Sorrento and along the Amalfi Coast of Italy, there are two delicious liqueurs made with local lemons and fennel: Limoncello and Finocchietto. These potent liqueurs are typically served in small amounts after a meal, but they can also be added to Spumante or...