New Humanoid Robot Gets Up Off The Floor

New Humanoid Robot Gets Up Off The Floor A new humanoid robot from Boston Dynamics can actually get up off the floor from a laying down flat position.  Apparently, the robot will twist and turn in whatever direction required to accomplish the task.  It is also amazing...

My first movie!

  Trying out the NuWave InfraRed cooker! Check out my first ever attempt at making a video! I’m sure Food Network will be calling right away to sign me up for a brand new show!  🙂

Bio-degradable dog waste bags and cat pan liners

In my attempt to be more earth-friendly this week (month, year, century), I discovered bio-degradable poop bags and cat pan liners. Incidentally, this discovery was made while searching for dimmable PAR38 CFL bulbs for our recessed can lighting. How I went from light...

File under “most useless gadgets ever invented”:

I laughed out loud when I discovered this item in one of the 275 holiday catalogs we receive in the mail.  I suppose this automatic “martini shaker/stirrer” might be useful for someone.  As a martini drinker (and maker), I see this device as being...

Fogger Success!

Party City has 1,000 watt foggers for $59.99, plus fog juice for $14.99 per gallon!  Bought the fogger and a gallon of juice and it puts out a big blast of fog!  Much better than the Target piece of crap I returned to the store!