The Little Christmas Tree
This year things are different ... and so is my Christmas tree -- it's little. And its sparsely decorated. It's the end of 2020 (aka the year of misery) and I just didn't feel like doing anything decorative that required too much effort. Things are different for...
Going Back To Where I Began
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve returned to my rural south-central Mississippi home place after happily living elsewhere (Atlanta, Denver, Charlotte) for about 30 years. While I’m actually employed in Charlotte, North Carolina, I’ve been working remotely since...
Nine Gay Men Found In Online Dating Apps
These parodies of nine gay men found on dating apps such as grindr, scruff, tinder and others are just a small sample of the oddballs found in the profiles. I could probably start an entire blog and facebook group solely dedicated to critique of online dating profiles...